Friday, January 30, 2009

Endometriosis: Can diet help?

Question: I've been diagnosed with endometriosis and I have heard that there are certain nutrition-related interventions that may help. Can you give any advice on this?

Answer: Well, I'm sorry to say that there is no official "endometriosis diet." There are not any certain vitamin/mineral/foods that should be increased or eliminated in the diet so far as the research shows in credible, peer-reviewed journals at this time. However, this may just mean that not enough research has been done on the matter. That is my official answer. However, I would like to bring to your attention two books that have been written on endometriosis and nutrition. They are both by Dian Mills (one is an updated version of the other). I am not necessarily recommending either book because I have not read them and therefore, cannot respond directly to the contents. However, her books are quite popular and, in reading reviews, many people seem to find the information helpful. I found one of her two books on Amazon (the Amazon link is on the bottom of this blog) for less than $4.00 (used), so it might be worth checking out!


The Santini Stew said...

Thank you! How nice to a 'personal dietitian!' Now- anything to make my hair grow long and luxurious and to make my legs longer? :c)

Kerry said...

Hey, if I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be only 5 foot 3 inches!