Saturday, May 23, 2009

Table salt vs. Sea Salt

Question: I've heard that sea salt is better for you than regular salt. Is that true?

Answer: It's a popular thought, but it's actually a myth. If you compare food labels, you will find that they contain the exact same amount of sodium per teaspoon. However, sea salt generally has a more potent flavor and, therefore, you may use less and decrease your sodium intake that way.

Happy Memorial Day, readers! For any further questions, plese email me at

Monday, May 11, 2009

Swine Flu: Should it affect what I eat?

Question: With the recent and ongoing scare of Swine Flu, I'm wondering how we know if the pork we are eating is safe and if it isn't wise to avoid pork until the Swine Flu epidemic calms down and we know more about it?

Answer: It is wise to take the swine flu seriously as it is an illness that mainly affects the lungs. It's called the swine flu because it is caused by a virus that usally infects pigs. However, you CANNOT become infected with swine flu from eating pork or pork products that have been properly handled and cooked.

Symptoms of swine flu are: dry cough, tiredness/weakness, diarrhea and vomiting, headache, fever and sore throat.

Rather than avoiding pork, the best thing you can do is to wash your hands as often as you think about it.

Stay Healthy! For any further questions, please email me at