Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's a Lot and What's a Little?

Question : I've always been more of an extreme dieter- no sugar, no carbs, no fat, sometimes a combination. Now I am trying to be more moderate in my diet and have a healthier lifestyle. Because I have been an all or nothing eater, I now don't know how much is ok to eat. For example, I know yogurt is good for you, but when I look at the label there's 12 grams of sugar in that stuff. Is that a lot? A little? How do I know?The same goes for fat and carbs. I am still trying to lose some weight, but I want to do it in a healthier way than I have in the past. What is the best way to do this?

Answer: Congratulations! You are already on the right track! "Extreme" anything in when it comes to nutrition is almost always a bad idea. Carbohydrates are not bad. Fat is not bad. So, eliminating these, or even severely restricting them in your diet IS bad. Our bodies are designed to not only utilize, but to need carbohydrates, protein and fat (the three major micronutrients). Why do you need carb? Because, among other things, that is how your body produces energy. Why do you need protein? Because, among other things, protein is what makes up your lean body mass. Why do you need fat? Because, among other things, that is how your body absorbs fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K). Note, I said "among other things" after each micronutrient because it would simply be impossible to list every single vital roll for which they are necessary.

I realize the above only answers a small part of your question. Your real question, which is a very good one, is how do you know how much of everything to have. To be honest, this is difficult to answer because everybody is different. When people come to my office, I typically figure out their calorie level they need to maintain/gain or lose weight. I have them and all of their information in front of me and I'm able to do this. However, I can give you a very general, easy way of estimating this for yourself.

Weight in kilograms x 25-30 = calories to maintain weight

If you want to lose, go lower than this range.

A good break down for most people is 50% of calories from carbohydrate, 20% from protein and 30% from fat.

  • Try to make at least half of your carbs from whole grains
  • Have your protein sources from lean meats, low-fat cheeses, beans, etc.
  • Know your fats! Mono- and Polyunsaturated fats are "heart healthy" whereas saturated and trans fats contribute to heart disease, the #1 killer in Americans.
  • And last, but certainly not least, learn how to read the food label (I refer you to and religiously read food labels when you grocery shop so that you know what you are eating!

To answer your specific question...... Yogurt is a GREAT choice: high in calcium and protein, and low in calories and fat IF you choose the light variety. Don't worry so much about the sugar. Instead, focus on the total calories. Choose one that is ~80-100 calories and ~12-16 grams of carbohydrate.

If you have a question for me, email me at!

1 comment:

The Santini Stew said...

Thanks! Hopefully I'll do better!